Friday, January 24, 2014


Today Koi are bred in every country and considered to be the most popular fresh-water ornamental pond fish and are often referred to as being "living jewels" or "swimming flowers".
Koi are a variety of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Carp fossils have been discovered in South China dating back about 20 million years. Some varieties are known for their hardiness, which records claim can live for long periods of time if simply wrapped in wet moss continuously kept damp.
Some authorities believe Koi originated in Persia and spread throughout the ancient world.
Koi, or nishikigoi - Japanese for "brocaded" carp - were first described in writing from a Chinese book written during the Western Chin Dynasty, 265-316 A.D. At that time they were described as white, red, black and blue.
What happened to Koi from the 2nd to the 17th century is still being investigated, but many suspect Koi were gradually spread around the orient, and possibly even via trade caravans to or from the middle east.
Koi breeding in Japan is recorded from the 17th century in the rice-growing region of the Niigata Prefecture. They were originally bred as protein food supplements.

Aquatic Plants

   The terms “Aquatic Plants” and "Pond Plants" represent a wide range of Plants growing in several habitats. Some Aquatic Plants grow in deep water. Lotus and Water Lilies (Deep Water Plants) are the most famous of this pond plant group. Others grow in the shallower margins (Marginal Plants) of the pond. Many pond plants like the growing conditions in the moist bogs (Bog Plants) on the rim of the pond and another group grows completely submerged in the pond water (Submersed or Oxygenating Plants). Still others just float on the surface of the pond (Floating Plants) and need not be rooted in anything at all. These plants are all important to the natural balance of the garden pond.
   Deep Water Plants include Lotus and Water Lilies. These pond plants bloom profusely when fertilized with adequate amounts of aquatic plant fertilizer (fish safe) and are available in many colors and sizes. Water Lilies are available in hardy and tropical varieties.

   Marginal Plants encompass a vast variety of Pond Plants that include such well-known species as cattails. Marginal pond plants grow in two to twelve inches of water depending on variety and size.
   Bog Plants grow in the constantly moist, but not totally submerged areas around the rim of the pond.
   Oxygenating Plants grow totally submerged and perform the important functions of competing with algae for nutrients in the pond and providing cover and spawning grounds for pond fish.
   Floating Plants such as Water Hyacinths (prohibited due to rapid spreading in many southern areas) and Water Lettuce provide fast shade and cover for the pond surface.